Letters to the Editor

Napans committed to 40 Days for Life campaign by Howard Haupt printed in Napa Valley Register Jul 11, 2021 Updated Aug 2, 2021 In a 2014 letter, the late Margaret McGee Crotty outlined how and why the pro-life movement has tried to protect the lives of unborn babies, babies that abortion supporters have tried to define as “tissue.” “Some […]
Upcoming Events: 40 Days for Life
Hello friends, we pray and hope that you are all doing well. Here are some upcoming events you might want to know about. 1) Join us on January 29th for a vigil at Planned Parenthood from 8AM-5PM. Please take an hour and invite your friends. 40 Days for Life and Live action are hosting all […]
Former Napa Planned Parenthood Manager’s (Eva) Testimony

November 1st – Life Chain & 40 Days Potluck

The annual Life Chain will be held in Napa on Sunday, Nov. 1, from 2pm-3pm. It is advised to arrive by 1:45pm to get your sign and find a place to stand on the street. As always, each parish or church can go to their regular position on Trancas or Jefferson. There will be tables with […]
Great News for California!

Shawn Carney shares the good news from Napa! For years, Ron and Howard prayed for Ava as she went to work at Planned Parenthood in Napa, California. Now, Ron and Howard pray with Ava, one of 206 abortion workers to leave her job through a 40 Days for Life campaign. Those prayers were answered in […]
40 Days for Life Kickoff – Sep 20, 2020

Watch and Listen to Inspiring Pro-life testimony!