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The Napa Valley Culture of Life (NVCL) is a not-for-profit organization that recognizes and upholds the value and dignity of all human life and promotes and supports pro-life initiatives in the Napa Valley, extending from as far north as Calistoga to American Canyon in the south. NVCL’s objectives are to create a network of organizations that protect human life from conception to natural death and to support their growth. In doing so, NVCL not only identifies existing life-affirming organizations, but also develops resources and sponsors new organizations to address unmet needs in the community. NVCL seeks to serve as the liaison between these life-affirming organizations and persons in need.

NVCL addresses the challenges frequently associated with the coordination of pro-life efforts. Instead of a collection of individual efforts, many of which can only bear fruit for a time, NVCL’s strategic approach helps to sustain and improve the efficacy of these individual efforts and leads to much synergy. NVCL enables individual pro-life organizations to work in tandem in support of human life at all stages.

The inspiration to form NVCL was first made manifest in 2009 during the 40 Days for Life campaign in the Napa Valley. It was during this prayerful vigil that NVCL’s Chairman, Ronald Maxson, recognized that the pro-life cause needed to evolve from its seemingly reactive, static mode into a proactive, dynamic movement in order to truly be of assistance to those in need. With God’s grace, NVCL now serves as a support for existing and springboard for the formation of new pro-life organizations in the community.

The NVCL Board consists of a small core of Christians from various walks of life, all dedicated to the sanctity of human life.  Diverse in background, education, age and ethnicity, the members of the NVCL Board maintain strong values based on the natural law and serve as advocates for those without a voice.  The following are the biographies of the members of the NVCL Board:

 Click here to view the board of directors