We are a local network of life affirming organizations that protect human life and support and nurture growth.

Help support a culture of life

All of our services are free because of generous support from people like you.

News & Updates

Letters to the Editor

Napans committed to 40 Days for Life campaign by Howard Haupt printed in Napa Valley Register Jul 11, 2021 Updated Aug 2, 2021 In a 2014 letter,

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Mary Riley Interview

Mary Riley is the founder, Chief Operational, and financial officer of life legal defense foundation. A non-profit Pro-life legal organization, she explains how pro-life counselors

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Abby Johnson Interview

Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood Director, challenges Christian Churches to be present at Abortion mills and counsel women to seek better choices through pro-life

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Our Resource Network

Our objective is to create a network of organizations that protect human life from conception to natural death and to support their growth. 

Napa Women's Center

We seek to meet the needs of women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy through free and confidential pregnancy resources.

Walk for Life

To change the perceptions of a society that thinks abortion is an answer. We deserve better than abortion.

40 Day's For Life

Help save lives by praying for an end to Abortion in your community.

Life Legal Defense Foundation

First and foremost, we are committed to LIFE, especially life that is vulnerable.

Alpha Pregnancy Center

We exist to vanquish fear. We replace it with love, with support, with education and with tangible resources.

Rachel's Vineyard

A safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion.


For over 50 years, Birthright has been helping women with unplanned pregnancies.