Great News for California!

Shawn Carney shares the good news from Napa!

For years, Ron and Howard prayed for Ava as she went to work at Planned Parenthood in Napa, California.

Now, Ron and Howard pray with Ava, one of 206 abortion workers to leave her job through a 40 Days for Life campaign.

Those prayers were answered in a powerful way this fall as the Napa campaign team acquired the property next door to Planned Parenthood and turned it into the Napa Women’s Center! In today’s video blog, Shawn shares how Napa’s 40 Days for Life campaign launched a new pregnancy help center, converted a former abortion worker, and continues to change hearts and save lives in one of the most abortion-friendly parts of the country:

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Ron, Howard, and Ava had no idea how God would answer their prayers when they stepped out in faith to pray for an end to abortion.

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