Dear Alpha Supporters,

We have an exciting update. For those who attended our Banquet, you heard in detail, how this young mom and her boyfriend immediately regretted taking the Abortion Pill and how Alpha was able to help right away.

Alpha staff carefully monitored the baby’s heartbeat and initially were concerned at the low heart rate. Within a week after taking the Abortion Pill Reversal medications provided at Alpha, the baby’s heartbeat was steady and strong!

Mom has told us that baby girl is doing well. Baby is a GIRL and her name is Esther! We all know that Esther in the Bible was a powerful woman of God and we know that God has great things in store for this Baby Esther! Thanks for donating, praying and supporting Alpha. We look forward to hearing more about Esther’s birth and sharing it with you.

With Gratitude,

Brianna Cahoon
Executive Assistant