The Napa Town & Country Fair is held annually at Napa Expo, a large venue a few blocks from downtown. Its close-in location and expansive grounds attract approximately 60,000 attendees during early August. Locals and tourists flock to the varied indoor and outdoor displays/booths during a four-day period.

Here is where Napa Valley Culture of Life helps Mathew Amodeo create a large, inviting pro-life booth designed to attract people of all ages to discuss and explore the truth regarding life issues during the 5-day event.


The booth is staffed by Matt Amodeo who welcomes pro-life volunteers who join him in answering questions, discussing issues, and presenting free literature to fairgoers of all ages from noon to 10:00pm daily. Free handouts of pro-life candies and balloons with informative messages seem to connect with the younger set. A large number of youth are attracted, some with diverse philosophies; healthy discussions are the norm.

Amodeo’s initiative, supported by the Napa Valley Culture of Life, will continue to bring the message of respect for all human life to the community. Volunteers to staff the booth are always in great need and will be welcome. Please contact:

Matthew Amodeo (707) 287-4840

or Ron Maxson (707) 337-6887