April 28, 2017 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
1735 Jefferson St
Napa, CA 94559
Ron Maxson

The Missionary Image is an actual (4′ x 6′}, authentic replica of the original Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe enshrined in the Basilica in Mexico City. In 1991, in response to a special request of St. john Paul II, the Bishops of Mexico blessed and commissioned the Missionary Images to bring conversions, reverence for life, sanctity of the family, and solidarity to the Church.

Theresa Marsano brings the IMAGE to us as part of a California Pilgrimage to Close Abortion Centers, after already having visited most abortion facilities in the  state. She visited the Santa Rosa abortion facility on Good Friday, with our own Bishop Vasa participating.

After visiting the Napa abortion clinic the  IMAGE will  be reposed in our own Ado­ration Chapel at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church. Early Saturday morning, Theresa  will take  the  IMAGE to Sacramento to visit three abortion facilities. Then, Sunday, Bishop  Soto  and five California bishops will  con­duct a Jericho March around the state capitol then celebrate Mass in reparation and supplication for an end to abortion.

We are ever so grateful to the guardians of the Missionary Images, Dan Lynch Aposto­ lates, for recognizing Our Lady’s desire to come to California for this special Mission for Life and for making  the it possible  for all of us to honor Her request